Zamieszczamy poniżej ogłoszenie o konkursie dla studentów oraz doktorantów realizujących badania z zakresu neuropsychologii, które otrzymaliśmy dzięki uprzejmości Prof. Emilii Łojek.
The Clinical Neuropsychologist (TCN) and the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN) are jointly sponsoring a yearly competition for the best scholarly manuscript based on a student project. The winner will be announced at the AACN annual meeting (starting in 2016). The first-prize winner will receive a $1000.- monetary award, and two runner-ups will receive $500.- each. TCN is accepting eligible submissions effective immediately.
• Manuscripts must be a result of a student project (e.g., Master’s thesis, dissertation, prelim/comp project, honors' thesis, etc.).
• Student contestant must be the first, as well as the corresponding, author. It is encouraged (but not mandatory) that faculty advisors co-author the manuscript.
• At the time of the initial submission, student contestant must either still have a student status, OR must be no more than 1 year past earning doctoral degree. This must be clearly stated in the cover letter accompanying the submission.
• Manuscripts must be consistent with the Aims and Scope of TCN (
• Manuscripts must follow TCN submission guidelines and format.
• Authors must indicate that their submission is a competition entry by checking the appropriate box during the electronic submission process (i.e., answering “yes” to the question “Is this submission eligible for the TCN/AACN Student Project Contest?”).
• Original research, meta-analyses, critical reviews, and case studies are all eligible.
SELECTION CRITERIA: Only manuscripts that have successfully undergone the regular peer-review process and have been deemed appropriate for publication in TCN can be selected as winners. Winners will be selected from among articles that are accepted for publication in a given year (May 1-April 29). Following the successful peer-review process, eligible articles will be reviewed by the AACN Student Affairs Committee (SAC) and judged based on the fit with the following criteria:
• The topic of the manuscript is timely and important.
• Manuscript clearly articulates (in the introduction and the discussion, as appropriate) its clinical relevance and its contribution to evidence-based practice.
• Relevant literature is reviewed in appropriate depth and breadth.
• The employed method and statistical analyses are particularly rigorous, innovative, parsimonious, elegant, or otherwise notable.
• Manuscript has the potential to have direct impact on clinical practice.
• During the review process, the author was responsive and thorough when addressing reviewer suggestions.
Yana Suchy, Ph.D. | Editor-in-Chief Elect The Clinical Neuropsychologist
Department of Psychology
Utah Brain Institute and Center on Aging
University of Utah
380 S. 1530 E., Rm. 502
Salt Lake City, UT, 84112
Voice: 801-585-0796
FAX: 801-581-5841
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